Thanks to Marie Antoinette of Dolls by Marie Antoinette for inviting me to the lovely birthday soiree given by Joy of Cupid's Charm. Joy has decided to honor Marie Anoinette, everyone's favorite French Queen on Sunday, November 2, 2008. If you are not familiar with Marie's and Joy's blogs, click the links above. You will be delighted. Both ladies have wonderful blogs; I promise you won't be diappointed.

I can't think of a better way to begin the Twelve Days of Christmas Shop Hop. Savon Marie is participating in this fun-filled shopping event sponsored by Make Mine Pink . Each day I will be adding new items or featuring customer favorites at special prices. It's easy and fun to participate just register at Make Mine Pink and visit each participating boutique.

I did make some lovely tarts for this year's soiree. I have three varieties.

The first is a delicately scented Rose Petal Tart. The second one is the ever popular Cherry Tart, and finally, in honor of Marie's Austrian heritage, a luscious Apricot Creme Tart. As you can see, I did get the shoes after all.
Unfortunately, I am not a baker. I am a soap maker, so please don't eat the tarts. Enjoy them in your bath, instead.
Oh how I love the soaps - you know Marie would love them too!
You are sweet and funny - those soaps look divine and truly worthy of the Last Queen of France!
I love your Marie soaps!
~ Gabriela ~
I am losing my head over your beautiful creations!
BEautiful post! I love your delicate soaps, just lovely!! Thanks for your sweet comments, hugs,Kimberly
Thank you for the lovely compliments on my wreath.
The picture you have of Marie is my ALL TIME FAVORITE picture of the movie. Doesn't it just make you want to be pampered next to a plate of sweets?
xo Cath
Hi Marie,, I love your tarts, so pretty, I am having fun blog hopping. Hope your having a good day...gail
Very cute!
Have a fun Marie day and thanks for visiting me today.
Thanks for visiting! Your Marie soaps are so pretty and unique:) Bonne Anniversaire!
What lovely soaps you make!
Your soaps are too pretty to use, but I'm sure Marie would be quite honored to use your treats in her daily rituals.
ps did you sneak a few sugary treats for yourself while the Queen was passed out with her sugar high?
Your beautiful soaps look just like CANDY!! Thank you very much for participating in the Soiree! xoxo ~ Joy
OO! Draw the hot bath!
Lovely post. Please have a wonderful and creative new week.
Hi Marie,and thank you for including me in your invitation to the party.I just love your post And I am still going to see about geting some soap from you.You make the most beautiful soap I've seen.Thanks for stoping by and if you would like to get on my very first givaway Nov.8 just go back and look below the birthday party and read the red peacock post.You will see an angel siting at a piano.All you have to do to enter is think of a name for her.Hugs Marie antionette
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet post! You have such beautiful Soaps!
huge hugs
Patti V
Your soaps are awesome, they do look good enough to eat.
Marie, what a cute post. I enjoyed it. Those soaps are so pretty. Being an 'herby' type person, the rose petal tart would be my choice! You are such an artist with these soaps.
Hi Marie ! What a wonderful and fun tribute to Marie, your namesake. Now I know where you get that sense of humor from! The soaps look delightful.
Susie of The Polka Dot Rose
I'm sure the queen herself would've loved your tart soaps! So pretty!
Hi Marie,
I love that photo you posted. The cakes all look so good!! Your soaps looks just as delicious as well!
Pei Li
Hi Marie,
What a sweet post! I love your soap tarts, they look delicious!
Here to a successful Shop Hop!
From one tart girl to another pretty soaps, I love them. I assume they must smell as delicious as they look. Keep them coming!Sweet pink hugs Patty
Very cute!
Marie....I am lauging out loud at your blog post....:) Seriously, those soap tarts look good enough to eat, and I would eat the apricot creme first!
Pink hugs,
What a great post Marie and your creations really do look good enough to eat and I know they smell just as wonderful.
Hugs and have a great week.
I love those soaps Marie! I need to start my shopping for the holidays. Just beautiful! Have a wonderful week!
Thank you for lovely comment on my 'Marie Antoinette' Christmas shoe.Stampington Magazine asked me to submit one of my 'Marie' shoe's,charm and tag.I am so excited they are coming out with a new publication in the spring called 'Marie'.Keeping my fingers 'crossed'!
xxoo Denise
Beautiful post!
Thank you for stopping by to say hi! Hope you had a wonderful party!
Haha so cute! I really enjoyed reading your post :)
The soaps look wonderful, really they do! I love the luscious apricot creme tart one. Now those look so good who would want to use them!
Thanks for sharing these!
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