At last, I have something to show and tell. I have been in a holiday soap making frenzy. I will share a few of my designs, but they are still in the rough stages. Read on to find out about the giveaway.
The first is a Christmas Stocking. the soap itself has a gold metalic shimmer. The colors are also shimmery mica. I have a few other options which are not yet completed.

The next is a snowflake with just a touch of pearly white mica. I also make this in a clear soap, but everyone seems to like this one.
The third is a holly soap. This is just made with layers of different colors and a few touches of soap paint (made from mica) on the berries. Next to the holly is Joy, again just layers of clear soap topped with an opaque white soap.
Last is the Santa Soap. This is still a work in progress. It requires lots of layers of color. It is still not right. I won't point out my mistake, but I bet someone will find it. You will probably find more than one, but the first person to find the one I am thinking of will win $10 worth of products from my web site. Take a look at these versions of Santa, and good luck.

Hi Marie! I love your Christmas goodies, especially the snowflake!
Could it be that the mouth is a bit short on one side on the traditionally colored Santa? =0]
Hi Andie,
The mouth is messed up, but that is not the mistake I had in mind. What have I done? I've invited you all to publicize my errors. Oh well. Good answer though, Andie.
I also like the snow flake. Snow images are a personal favorite of mine. I love the tiffany blue color as well.
Thanks for sharing your works in progress. That takes courage and girl you are rocking the soap world. Go Marie! I'm a big fan. lilli
They all look cute to me! Great holiday soaps, I am thinking stocking stuffers for sure!
Marie, I can't wait till Christmas, your soaps are just the cutest. What fun little gifts they will make.
Hi Marie,, I am just hanging around, I love the Al Green song. LOL Man if there is a mistake you sure cant tell, but my guess the Santa suie doesnt have the white fur where it should??? Just a total guess cuz they are darling to me. I love them all!!! Happy creating.. gail
Your soaps are lovely, look too good to use but would make lovely stocking gifts. Thank you for sharing
I love, love the snowflake soap and santas, they are perfect.
I love your soaps Marie, I just used mine from the retreat last night, Yummy. I do not see any mistakes and if there is one its not visible to the human eye. Sweet Pink Hugs Patty
What fun Holiday soaps. Great gifts. Sorry, don't see a mistake.
Marie these are great! They will make such nice gifts. Of course, I love my bunny soaps and can't wait to get them.
Have a great week.
I hate to look for mistakes :-) I do that everytime I read essays LOL!
How about the all red arm...no white fur on his cuff?
Susan *dutchrose*
And ... no white fur border on the hat on the right! :-) meant to add that...
Hi Marie!
You make the cutest soaps! Love them all! They will surely sell like hotcakes!
Enjoy your week pinkie,
Janet's Creative Pillows
I can't see any mistakes they look so cute to me.
xx Chris
What mistake? You have done a wonderful job...I make soap too and it is NOT easy to get the colors and make them as beautiful as you have.
Marie, how can you ask us to look for mistakes?? The only thing I saw was no fur on the one hat.
I love the holly soaps. Just love holly.
Hi Marie,
I love the Joy!!! Spread the JOY! LOL
Well the colors are off. The green and there is no white on the cuff or hat.
Good meeting you at Retreat!!!
Hi Marie,
I love the snowflake soap! I don't see any mistakes either. They look pretty to me!
Hi Marie! Is Santa's chest white in one soap and red in the other? Looks like you are in the mood for Christmas. Not me. I still have my toes sticking out of my sandals.
Great Show and Tell.
Susie of The Polka Dot Rose
Yay! We have 2 winners. Gail and Susie. Just go to my site and pick out any three products.
Thanks to everyone who visited and participated.
Your soaps are so beautiful.I love the snowflake and stocking.So pretty.Hugs Marie Antionette
I was looking though your site,and you have some beautiful things.Your working is outstanding.Hugs Marie Antionette
Yours soaps look wonderful, very festive. Could your mistake be that the Santa on the right doesn't have a white cuff, it's all red?
Hi Marie,Thanks for coming by and such nice comments.I love your music to.i have all of these except I got you under my skin.I'm going to limewire to look for it,for a cd I'm puting together.We must love the same music.LOL Hugs Marie Antionette
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